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 Interactive Map of Renewable and Alternative Energy Projects in the UK


Renewable Management Holdings -

Solar Panel Cleaning

solar farm cleaning

Dirty solar panels can cause a production loss of more than 30%! Solar farms are subjected to many different pollutants, whether they’re situated in rural or urban areas. A build up of these pollutants will adversely affect you solar farm’s performance and therefore the Return on Investment.

Renewable Energy site management and grounds preparation.

solar farm grounds maintenance
Grass cutting: around solar farms to control growth and reduce the effects of shading and mismanagement.

  • Grass cutting RMH cuts the grass around solar farms to control growth and reduce the effects of shading and mismanagement.
  • Weed control: Spraying beneath the panels and across site, RMH advises clients as to the most cost effective way of looking after the land with the environment in mind.
  • Arboricultural services: Tree clearance to reduce the affects of shading around the solar site.. Ongoing management and surveys will ensure neighbouring trees are monitored in case of failure
  • Habitat enhancement: Monitoring habitat enhancements installed on sites and recommending additional measures to increase wildlife around sites. Updating apparatus on sites after 5 years to ensure habitats are maintained and improved.
  • Hedge Cutting: Cutting hedges around site under a management plan so they are allowed to harbour habitats while ensuring they are maintained to not influence the panels
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