And what is twelve plus eight : (in words)
Site Name: Bobbing
Generator Type: Photovoltaic
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G07451PVEN
Capacity: 10135.9 Status: Live
Accreditation Date:    
Commission Date: 3/31/2016    
Applicant: Bobbing Solar Limited
Applicant Address: 1 Lumley Street London W1K 6TT England
Address: Bobbing Sittingbourne ME9 7HY England
Assumptions: Capacity: 10135.9kW 10.1359 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 7297.848 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
01/03/2018 674 6.65% Issued
01/02/2018 598 5.90% Issued
01/01/2018 313 3.09% Issued
01/12/2017 241 2.38% Issued
01/11/2017 425 4.19% Issued
01/10/2017 708 6.99% Issued
01/09/2017 1136 11.21% Issued
01/08/2017 1465 14.45% Issued
01/07/2017 1639 16.17% Retired
01/06/2017 1828 18.03% Retired
01/05/2017 1558 15.37% Issued
01/04/2017 1526 15.06% Issued
01/03/2017 1091 10.76% Issued
01/02/2017 432 4.26% Issued
01/01/2017 354 3.49% Issued
Dec-16 0348 282 2.78% Pending Tr
Nov-16 0498 394 3.89% Pending Tr
Oct-16 0897 698 6.89% Pending Tr
Sep-16 01382 1070 10.56% Pending Tr
Aug-16 02185 1681 16.58% Pending Tr
Jul-16 02222 1709 16.86% Pending Tr
Jun-16 01858 1429 14.10% Pending Tr
Jun-16 01858 1429 14.10% Pending Tr
May-16 01629 1253 12.36% Pending Tr
Apr-16 01705 1319 13.01% Pending Tr
Mar-16 069 54 0.53% Pending Tr


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