vid = 1983pws_id = 354122 Langage Solar Farm Renewable energy scheme / Solar

 Interactive Map of Renewable and Alternative Energy Projects in the UK

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“One of our partners is actively looking to purchase shovel ready and completed solar sites in the UK. Please leave your details and they will be in touch directly. “  

For your convenience the details of the site you were looking at have been copied across, if this is not the site you are contacting us about, please feel free to overwrite with the correct details or go to the site in Renewables Map and continue back to this form from there.
Project name
Site location
Size (MWp)
Yield kWh per year
Shovel Ready or Completed?
If completed when?
Local off take? y/n If yes at what PPA at what volume?
Lease length (years)
Ground rent £/Acre
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